Teal is the most common color requested by photographers for logo designs and fashion designers for designing. Teal is a low-saturated, medium blue-green color, similar to medium green and dark cyan. It can be created by mixing green with blue into a white base, or deepened as needed with a little bit of black or gray color. The complementary color of teal is coral. The first recorded use of teal as a color name in English was in 1917. In a country like Nigeria, lots of wedding guests have used this color to sew fabulous styles and the pop of color as aso-ebi is phenomenal. One very hot color this season especially for aso-ebi of different occasions not just weddings is the teal color. Teal trends towards two colors blue and green. The teal green has a medium tone of teal with more of green mix making it look like dark green while the teal blue is a medium tone of teal with more blue. You can mix accessories your teal fabric with other beautiful colors like white,...